I-DEST I-DEST for event organisers

I-DEST for event organisers I-DEST for event organisers

Mega events can often be exclusive and not accessible to everyone. Inclusive event design aims to create events that are accessible and welcoming to all attendees, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. In addition, they have an impact on the surrounding communities, both positive and negative. Engaging with local communities can help to build trust and support for the event, as well as to identify and address any concerns or issues that arise. This can involve partnerships with local businesses, community organizations, and local government.

Key challenges: fan engagement, promotion of values, accessible infrastructure, involvement and partnership with local communities

The challenge we are addressing centers around the inclusiveness and accessibility of mega events, as well as the potential disconnect between these events and their surrounding communities. To visitors with different physical abilities joining mega events is a challenge. Be it an elder or a person using a wheelchair, they need exact information about the accessibility of the event. 

There is also a disconnect in many cases between the local communities - culture and the mega events, representing many missed opportunities for the local businesses and communities, as well as for the participants.

The problem we are trying to solve revolves around addressing the challenges faced by destination management organizations (DMOs) and tourism service providers in the context of mega events. Mega events, while attracting a large number of visitors and generating economic benefits, often come with significant environmental impacts. Our aim is to offer an integrated, innovative solution that contributes to sustainable event management practices, minimizing environmental impacts and promoting a more responsible and regenerative approach to hosting mega events, involving the organizers, the local community and service/product providers, and visitors. 

The recurring problem we have faced working with many destinations is that there is no management software available on the market which can encompass all 3 pillars of sustainability and the SMART principles and channel them into the decision making, at the same time connecting visitors, service/product providers and the destination management organization.

Our solution, I-DEST, offers a comprehensive approach to addressing these challenges, bridging the gap between inclusive, accessible and sustainable mega event organization. Built upon the foundation of sustainability and accessibility, I-DEST is a unique destination management software that seamlessly integrates various aspects of tourism management. With an emphasis on sustainability and accessibility, I-DEST facilitates effective communication and engagement between all key stakeholders: visitors, local service/product providers, and destination management organizations (DMOs) through its management platform with two outputs: a website and an application.

I-DEST plays a pivotal role in promoting inclusivity by providing accessible infrastructure information to event attendees. This is achieved through a state-of-the-art complex sustainability (3-pillar) monitoring system that not only offers direct feedback to the organizer, suppliers and guests but also highlights alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and motivates regenerative practices. It also features a comprehensive mega-event (destination) sustainability sheet based on the GSTC standard, a curated list of local/sustainable suppliers, and essential accessibility data by the event host, paired with an accessibility survey for guests. This information helps ensure that the event location is accessible to a diverse range of attendees and that their needs can be responded to.

It goes beyond a traditional event management software by offering features like an interactive route planner specifically designed for accessible paths, immersive virtual walks with 360-degree images, audio guides, and engaging AR content tailored to individuals with diverse abilities. This aligns perfectly with the principle of inclusive event design and creates an environment where everyone, regardless of their background or abilities, can enjoy the event without facing barriers.

Furthermore, I-DEST goes the extra mile by enabling meaningful involvement and partnership with local communities. Through its platform, mega event organizers can seamlessly collaborate with local businesses, community organizations, and local governments to create a supportive network. Local businesses register to the platform and through their own profile can add/advertise their products and services, provide sustainability and accessibility data. This engagement not only helps to address community concerns but also highlights the positive impacts of the event on the local area. By fostering these connections, I-DEST contributes to a harmonious relationship between mega events and their host communities, ultimately resulting in more inclusive, accessible, and sustainable event experiences.