Geoparks, National Parks, Nature Reserves - and the I-DEST
The I-DEST offers unique solutions for geoparks, national parks, and nature reserves to simultaneously preserve natural values and enhance visitor experiences. The system supports the achievement of conservation goals by continuously monitoring visitor numbers, behavior, and their impact on the environment. Additionally, it aids in the development of sustainable tourism programs that protect natural assets while offering attractive experiences.
The development of sustainable tourism and collaboration with local producers and SMEs is of paramount importance for geoparks, national parks, and nature reserves. These organizations strive to bring local residents and visiting tourists closer to achieving the SDG goals. The I-DEST platform provides a comprehensive toolkit for achieving regional, economic, and community development objectives in geoparks, national parks, and nature reserves.
Engaging with local stakeholders
The I-DEST internal communication platform enables conservation organizations to provide real-time updates, supporting their partners in actively participating in conservation efforts.
Through a smartwatch-integrated internal message board, organizations can share real-time information with tourism service providers and local producers, including:
- details about eco-tourism and organized programs in the region,
- updates on potential natural restrictions (e.g., closures, visitor limits),
- information about areas experiencing congestion to prevent over-tourism,
- announcements on temporary closures of attractions,
- updates on the organization's activities, and
- information about ongoing research in the region.

Raising awareness
The I-DEST framework provides comprehensive information on sustainable tourism trends and activities that support the achievement of SDG goals.
With I-DEST, any conservation organization or geopark can clearly and effectively showcase the sustainability goals pursued by local producers, tourism providers, and other local SMEs. Additionally, it highlights how conservation organizations and their associated communities contribute to achieving the SDG goals.

Experience-based presentation of natural and geotourism values, edutainment programs
The I-DEST framework's edutainment tools offer diverse opportunities to expand eco- and geotourism program options.
- Development of digital nature trails – including audio and visual content, site-specific games, and built-in map navigation.
Implementation of challenge-based and point collection games – engaging and interactive experiences for visitors.
GPS-based audio guide programs – providing guided tours with location-specific information.
Map-based real-time tourism reporting system – enabling tourists to immediately report issues like damaged trail signs, obstructed paths, and other concerns while exploring nature.
Comprehensive quality management program – supporting the identification of service partners at both national park and geopark levels who contribute to the development of sustainable and accessible tourism within the covered area.

Supporting local product programs with I-DEST
The I-DEST framework offers a comprehensive solution for implementing the GEOfood program operated by geoparks or developing bespoke local product initiatives.
- Creating a local producer database – focusing on available programs, accessible services, and sustainability aspects during data collection.
- Developing local product routes – connecting producers and their offerings with visitors.
- Facilitating communication via an internal message board – allowing local producers to notify the geopark management and other partners about open days and other events.
- Enhancing connections between local restaurants and producers – enabling the seamless use of fresh, safe, and zero-kilometer ingredients through the internal messaging system.

Research support
The I-DEST framework offers a unique, sustainability-focused built-in monitoring system that enables any conservation organization to maintain an up-to-date database on the sustainability index of tourism services, as well as the sustainable services demanded and used by visitors.
- 46 integrated, real-time monitoring indicators support data-driven development planning, beyond online marketing tools.
- 18 additional monitoring indicators are available for service providers, and 13 data points are dedicated to visitor insights.
Furthermore, I-DEST provides tools for summarizing research related to natural assets and organizing data linked to biodiversity and geodiversity studies.

Start with I-DEST!
The I-DEST sustainability-focused monitoring system offers real-time data on the sustainability of tourism services and visitor behavior. Take advantage of the 46 integrated indicators, along with additional data available for service providers and visitors, to make informed decisions for sustainable development. Organize and utilize the results of conservation research to contribute to achieving the SDG goals. Now is the time to elevate the harmony between conservation and tourism to a new level – choose I-DEST!

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