Located in southeastern Hungary, Csorvás boasts a rich history and cultural heritage. The village was first mentioned in 1456, although it existed as a templar village as early as 1150. Over the centuries, it endured many hardships but became an independent settlement in 1857, continuing to develop ever since. The construction of the railway station in 1871 boosted the local economy. Today, Csorvás thrives with a vibrant cultural life and boasts natural treasures as part of the Körös-Maros National Park. Landmarks such as the Wenckheim Mansion and the Arany János Street Elementary School showcase the town’s unique architectural heritage, while the Mágocs Stream, home to rare plant species, adds to Csorvás’s natural beauty.
Sustainability level
Destination management 34%
- Visitor management: 40%
- Commitment and organisation: 12%
- Design and development: 17%
- Monitoring and reporting: 50%
- Legal and ethical compliance: 50%
Nature and landscape 17%
- Nature and wildlife protection: 33%
- Nature and conservation: 0%
Environment and climate 44%
- Land use and pollution: 0%
- Water management: 60%
- Energy, sustainable mobility and climate change: 0%
- Adapting to climate change: 100%
- Waste and recycling: 60%
Culture and traditions 100%
- Cultural heritage: 100%
- People and traditions: 100%
Social welfare 58%
- Health and safety: 100%
- Local economy: 30%
- Socio-economic impacts: 0%
- Community involvment: 75%
- Human dignity: 86%
Business and communication 17%
- Business remark: 0%
- Information and marketing: 33%