Discover the rich past of Ecsegfalva! The village’s ancestor, Ecseg, was inhabited as early as the Árpád era but was destroyed during the Turkish conquest. After water management reforms in the 18th century, the area began to revive, and it saw significant population growth following the Nagyatád land reform in the early 20th century. Ecsegfalva became an independent village in 1949, and its development has always been driven by community effort, with locals working together to create essential infrastructure. The village still preserves its natural beauty, with a rich bird population and the Hortobágy-Berettyó River making it a popular destination for hunting tourism. Notable landmarks include the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and the Ecsegpuszta Nature Reserve, part of the Körös-Maros National Park.
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The location has not yet reached level 1
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