Gyomaendrőd is a realm of water and thermal springs, where the rolling waters of the Hármas-Körös and the tranquillity of numerous oxbow lakes attract visitors. Local legends, such as the tale of the "vaceros," which recalls memories of floods, are also closely tied to the water. The pride of the town, the Liget Spa located in Erzsébet Park, offers visitors relaxation and healing. Gyomaendrőd’s natural treasures and the stories connected to them provide a unique experience for those seeking the power of water and rural peace.
Public transport
- Railway
- Bus
Parking information
- Free outdoor parking available
- Free bus parking available
Sustainability level
Destination management 41%
- Visitor management: 20%
- Commitment and organisation: 62%
- Design and development: 50%
- Monitoring and reporting: 25%
- Legal and ethical compliance: 50%
Nature and landscape 23%
- Nature and wildlife protection: 17%
- Nature and conservation: 30%
Environment and climate 21%
- Land use and pollution: 17%
- Water management: 40%
- Energy, sustainable mobility and climate change: 0%
- Adapting to climate change: 50%
- Waste and recycling: 0%
Culture and traditions 0%
- Cultural heritage: 0%
- People and traditions: 0%
Social welfare 0%
- Health and safety: 0%
- Local economy: 0%
- Socio-economic impacts: 0%
- Community involvment: 0%
- Human dignity: 0%
Business and communication 0%
- Business remark: 0%
- Information and marketing: 0%