The village of Kamut has existed since the Árpád era, with its name appearing in 12th-century documents. Throughout history, Kamut played a significant role, serving as the seat of Békés County from 1517 to 1552 when the Kamuthy family resided here. Although the village was destroyed during the Turkish occupation, it was repopulated in the 18th century and regained its independence in 1949. Today, Kamut is a developing village, with many public buildings and institutions undergoing modernisation in recent years, ensuring the comfort of its residents and maintaining a pleasant community atmosphere. Kamut's rich history and ongoing modernisation make it an attractive destination for visitors.
Welcome to the world of sustainability at I-DEST!
We believe that travel can be a transformative and positive experience for both travelers and the destinations they visit. But with great adventure comes great responsibility. Sustainability is at the heart of our mission, and we're excited to share with you how your travel choices can shape the environmental, social, and economic footprint of both the destinations and yourself.
Sustainability, in simple terms, means making choices that have a positive impact on the environment, local communities, and society as a whole. It's about traveling in a way that leaves the world better than we found it. At I-DEST, we're committed to helping you make informed choices that align with these principles.
As you explore the services on this page, you'll discover how our service providers are dedicated to sustainability. We'll show you their sustainability level and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they support. But it's more than just icons and labels. Sustainability is a journey, and we're here to guide you through it. Join us in discovering how you can travel responsibly, minimize your environmental footprint, support local cultures, and contribute to a better world. Let's embark on this sustainable adventure together!
Sustainability level
Sustainability level
The location has not yet reached level 1
Welcome to the world of sustainability at I-DEST!
We believe that travel can be a transformative and positive experience for both travelers and the destinations they visit. But with great adventure comes great responsibility. Sustainability is at the heart of our mission, and we're excited to share with you how your travel choices can shape the environmental, social, and economic footprint of both the destinations and yourself.
Sustainability, in simple terms, means making choices that have a positive impact on the environment, local communities, and society as a whole. It's about traveling in a way that leaves the world better than we found it. At I-DEST, we're committed to helping you make informed choices that align with these principles.
As you explore the services on this page, you'll discover how our service providers are dedicated to sustainability. We'll show you their sustainability level and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they support. But it's more than just icons and labels. Sustainability is a journey, and we're here to guide you through it. Join us in discovering how you can travel responsibly, minimize your environmental footprint, support local cultures, and contribute to a better world. Let's embark on this sustainable adventure together!
Sustainability level
Sustainability level