Kardoskút, one of Hungary’s youngest villages, stands out not only for its economic significance but also for its natural wonders. The Fehér-tó Bird Reserve, located just outside the village, is one of Hungary’s seven natural wonders and has gained international renown as a breeding and resting place for rare bird species. The area is protected under the Ramsar Convention, and visitors can observe thousands of unique bird species here. As part of the Körös-Maros National Park, the Fehér-tó and its surroundings offer unforgettable experiences for nature lovers. Ongoing conservation programmes and an exhibition room provide deeper insights into the region’s unique ecosystem.
Sustainability level
Destination management 0%
- Visitor management: 0%
- Commitment and organisation: 0%
- Design and development: 0%
- Monitoring and reporting: 0%
- Legal and ethical compliance: 0%
Nature and landscape 37%
- Nature and wildlife protection: 33%
- Nature and conservation: 40%
Environment and climate 29%
- Land use and pollution: 67%
- Water management: 20%
- Energy, sustainable mobility and climate change: 0%
- Adapting to climate change: 50%
- Waste and recycling: 10%
Culture and traditions 17%
- Cultural heritage: 33%
- People and traditions: 0%
Social welfare 18%
- Health and safety: 50%
- Local economy: 0%
- Socio-economic impacts: 0%
- Community involvment: 25%
- Human dignity: 14%
Business and communication 0%
- Business remark: 0%
- Information and marketing: 0%